A lot of car owners often pay astronomical amounts for auto insurance because they are not aware of all the discounts you can take to reduce their auto insurance premiums. With increasing competition between car insurance companies for clients, many of the incentives offered and vehicle owners should use these to reduce your monthly expenses in terms of auto insurance is concerned. Here are some of the discounts that can lower your insurance premium.
Discount for the professionIt could be a surprise to you, but it's true that some professions attract better car insurance rates than others. For example those who are teachers or serving in the armed forces have a good chance of getting lower premiums than others. Teachers have been statistically shown to be risk free and mature, why get better rates than others. Therefore, it is a good idea to check with your insurance agent if your profession attracts all kinds of incentives.
Discount sex and age
Single men and single women attract the highest rates, probably because the car insurance companies they see as reckless and carefree often. Your age, sex and marital status can go a long way in reducing your auto insurance rates, especially if you can indicate that you are less likely to be reckless on the road and being involved in an accident. Similarly, if you are a person who does not work or love of home, auto insurance rates will be very low as they are less likely to drive.
Discount for car modelSome cars are safer than others. You can add security features to the car and thus negotiate better rates. In addition, family sedans get the best prices when it comes to car insurance. SUV insurance is higher, not only because the costs of repairing the damage could be high, but also because they are more likely to be involved in accidents.
Discount based on the stateIf you keep renewing your car insurance blindly, you will miss a lot of savings. There are auto insurance discounts based on the states as well. Since the accident based on the number of vehicles on the road and the road conditions, some states have fewer accidents and car insurance therefore cheaper than in other states. You should be aware of this to ensure that you are not paying more than it should be.
lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011
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